Monday, April 25, 2011

Community support vital to Henry County ECO success

The Every Citizen Online program at Liberty Center Public Library in Henry County was made possible by strong community support and the passion of its Friends of the Library organization. Friends of the Library appreciated the importance of the ECO program and how it could positively affect their community.
ECO training participants Patsy Leatherman & Dan Chambers

The small, all-volunteer organization of seven provided Liberty Center Public Library with the up-front financial investment needed for the library to receive 10 new computers to enable its offering of the ECO program.

“We’re a small group, but we try to do what we can,” said Sue Garrettson, Friends of the Library president. “Our largest fundraising event is an annual lasagna dinner before a high school football game. We’ve held chicken dinners, tea events, and scrapbooking gatherings, too.”

“Without the Every Citizen Online program and Friends of the Library, we would have never been able to afford 10 new computers,” said Brian Eckel-Hare, library director.

Not only are the new computers used for ECO training classes, but are open to public use at the library, as well. Eckel-Hare says many patrons take advantage of the opportunity for Internet access at the library, especially if they do not have it at home.

ECO Instructor Rick Roell with participant Julie Engler
The community continues its support of the ECO program, spreading awareness through word of mouth. Staff, friends, and program graduates are passing on class information to others. The result has been full classes.

The library offers the ECO training series of three, 2-hour classes once a month with a capacity of 10 people per class. Thus far, about 30 adults in Henry County have taken advantage of the free training since its start in January.

“Many of our participants have a computer at home that they never use or they just want to know what a computer and the Internet is all about,” said Eckel-Hare. “The class feedback has been positive. They’ve enjoyed the training and say they’ve learned a lot.”

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