Monday, May 16, 2011

More Connect Ohio PSAs are in the making!

You've likely seen or heard Connect Ohio's current public service announcements (PSAs) letting Ohioans know of the free basic computer and Internet training available to them at their local library, community college, and education centers through the Every Citizen Online program. The second, and final, round of PSAs were produced last week by Brainstorm Media and are currently in post-production. They should begin hitting the air on Ohio Association of Broadcasters and Ohio Educational Television Stations, Inc. member TV and radio stations in July 2011.

This round of production was a lot of fun -mainly because we were able to include many individuals involved in the YouTube PSA contest submissions!

You may recognize Turp from an Honorable Mention awardee video:

Maddie and Lanny were talent in one of the winning videos:

Connect Ohio staff even joined the fun.

Nicole (as ECO participant & mom)
Katie (as ECO Instructor)

Benj (as ECO participant)

Tom (as ECO Participant)

Connect Ohio would like to give a special thank you to the Grandview Heights Public Library for allowing us the use of their Every Citizen Online laptop computers and training room!

Check out all the behind the scene photos from production day on the Connect Ohio Facebook page or by clicking here.

Stay tuned for a sneak peek at our newest Every Citizen Online PSAs!

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