Wednesday, June 22, 2011

New Ohio Residential Technology Assessment Data

Connect Ohio has the privilege of providing Ohio with a valuable resource – a statewide consumer/residential technology assessment which includes county-specific data for each of the state’s 88 counties.
Connect Ohio’s consumer technology assessments examine technology trends of county residents as they compare to the statewide average, such as percentage of residents who have the Internet and/or broadband, Internet applications used most frequently, and barriers to Internet and broadband adoption. Data is collected by telephone through live computer-assisted interviews from a statewide random digit dial sample.
The latest consumer survey has concluded and Connect Ohio’s 2011 Consumer Technology Assessment will be available by July. The current assessment includes detailed data, reflecting the broadband landscape for each county in Ohio.  Though Connect Ohio conducts a statewide assessment annually, the last time that such a detailed analysis was completed was 2008.
Details and highlights of the new assessment will be presented Friday, June 24, at Connect Ohio's quarterly Technology Association Meeting in Columbus.
Early trends from the 2011 assessment reveal that household broadband adoption growth has leveled off in Ohio, which is in line with the national trend. However, the use of mobile devices as a primary broadband access is growing significantly. Overall, broadband adoption in Ohio is significantly higher in 2011 than it was in 2008. Also, 82% of Ohioans said they either subscribe to home Internet service (dial-up or broadband) or they access the Internet from someplace other than home.
Completed county and state assessments will be available at by July 2011.

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