Monday, October 3, 2011

Every Citizen Online All-Star Facility Award Presented to Wadsworth Public Library

Connect Ohio has named Wadsworth Public Library an Every Citizen Online (ECO) All-Star Facility.

Mohamed Ragheb, WPL, and Jeff Beebe, Connect Ohio

The ECO All-Star Facility award was presented to Mohamed Ragheb, technology manager and ECO program coordinator for the library, during Connect Ohio’s quarterly Technology Association Meeting breakout lunch session held in Columbus September 30, 2011.

Connect Ohio ECO staff, including state operations managers and the executive director, choose the ECO All-Star Facility awardee based on meeting various program ‘hallmarks of excellence’. These include, but are not limited to, the number of adults taking ECO training at the facility’s locations, ECO program survey completion rate, creative promotional and community partnerships assisting in awareness and local success of the program, and the level of engagement of facility coordinators in the ECO program.

Wadsworth Public Library has trained more than 115 adults on the basics of computer and Internet use through their ECO class offerings.

Congratulations Wadsworth Public Library!

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