Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Internet Providers Partner with Connect Ohio, Offer Savings to ECO Participants

Broadband Internet providers throughout the state are partnering with Connect Ohio to offer Every Citizen Online (ECO) program graduates special offers for services. These partnerships are a key element to the success of the ECO program.

Established goals of the training program include equipping more than 200,000 Ohio adults with basic computer and Internet skills. In turn, Connect Ohio anticipates at least 75,000 of those adults will adopt Internet use into their homes and daily lives. Providers, such as Frontier Communications and Buckeye Cablevision, Inc., are already offering exciting service discounts to these new adopters. After Ohioans complete the ECO training, they are directed to a listing of the special offers in their area. These incentives include such offers as reduced monthly service charges, discounted or free computing equipment, or a combination of both.

The following is a list of providers already partnering with Connect Ohio and the list continues to grow.If you are a broadband provider and would like to partner with Connect Ohio and the Every Citizen Online program, please e-mail Amanda Murphy at amurphy@connectohio.org.

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