Friday, July 8, 2011

Computers Awarded to Two Morgan County ECO Participants

Two of the 12 Every Citizen Online computer giveaway winners received their new laptop computers yesterday during a short media event at Kate Love Simpson Morgan County Library in McConnelsville. Doris Buchanan of McConnelsville and Becky Obrien of Stockport were selected as winners of the computers in a random drawing following their participation in the Every Citizen Online free statewide basic computer and Internet training program. 

As often heard from many new Internet adopters, Obrien wanted to learn to work a computer and navigate the web in order to communicate with loved ones.

"The training was very helpful," said Obrien. "My husband and I are trying to keep up with our grandkids."

According to Buchanan, she already has a computer and Internet service at home, but took the Every Citizen Online training to learn the different things the computer and Internet can offer.

"The training definitely helped and I want to take more training," said Buchanan. "I want to learn to type letters and documents. I like to e-mail and Facebook."

Pictured left to right: Doris Buchanan, winner, Blythe Schubert, library director, Becky Obrien, winner, Heather Delany, Connect Ohio state operations manager

Congratulations Doris and Becky!

Every Citizen Online participants who completed an online survey at the end of training between April 5 and June 20, 2011 were registered for the computer giveaway. Details about the computer giveaway can be found at

For more information on the Every Citizen Online free basic computer and Internet training, visit or call 1-855-NOW-I-CAN (669-42260).

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