Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cuyahoga County Every Citizen Online Participant Receives Computer

Elaine Hawkins of Cleveland was the sixth of twelve Every Citizen Online participants to receive a new laptop computer after being selected from a random drawing in June. Hawkins received her award at a short presentation event Thursday at the Shaker Heights Public Library, where she completed the free basic computer and Internet training course.

“The training was great,” said Hawkins. “I was trying to use the computer and Internet before and (the class) was a great help.”

“We are very pleased to be a partner in the ECO venture,” said Luren Dickinson, library director. “The Internet is actually a vast library – open 24 hours a day where people can find up-to-date information on almost any topic. It is critically important for libraries not only to provide access to the Internet through the use of its computers, but also to provide training. We are thrilled that someone who connected at Shaker Library will receive a free laptop. Libraries really do connect people to the world.”

Congratulations Elaine Hawkins!
Pictured left to right: Jeff Beebe, Connect Ohio state operations manager, Elaine Hawkins, computer winner, Shaker Library staff members MaryAnn Friedlander, training instructor, Walter Lesch, training instructor, and Luren Dickinson, director. Photo by Margaret Simon, Shaker Library

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