Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Connect Ohio staff collects and validates state broadband data

Validating the data collected from broadband providers is a key accuracy component to the broadband mapping work of Connect Ohio and its parent company, Connected Nation. Connect Ohio staff collect broadband inventory data directly from providers statewide and use various technological methods to validate the information, done in accordance with requirements and clarifications of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).

Connected Nation Director of Engineering and Technical Services Chip Spann recently visited the Connect Ohio offices in Columbus to conduct data validation training with staff and the office’s first Data Validation Intern, Tyler Smith. Tyler is a senior at Ohio University and began his data validation role at Connect Ohio in January 2011.

Tyler and Connect Ohio staff utilize multiple techniques to gather data for the many platforms of broadband, including wireless, DSL, fiber, and cable. Laptops, smartphones, GPS coordinates, spectro analyzers, and Connect Ohio’s interactive BroadbandStat tool are all used to report broadband availability and broadband speed at hundreds of locations throughout the state. Connect Ohio checks and compiles broadband providers’ reported information.

The NTIA is using the collected information to assemble national broadband data and a national broadband availability map. The first national broadband map is being made available to the public in February 2011. Connected Nation supplied much of the data that made this national map possible.

To view more photos from Connect Ohio's data validation procedures, visit our Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=42804&id=107218675979541&saved

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