Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ohio creamery finds success with broadband

Having affordable access to high-speed Internet can help small businesses succeed. The Snowville Creamery in Meigs County is one such business.

Before June 2008, the creamery had access to dial-up Internet only. Day-to-day business duties were much more difficult. An Athens-based Internet provider expanded into their area and the creamery hasn’t been the same since.

According to Victoria Taylor, an owner of the creamery, sales have doubled each year since they received high-speed Internet access.

“Our business is all distribution and logistics. We wouldn’t be around without it,” said Taylor. “I don’t know how we would survive. We just wouldn’t.”

The creamery first opened its doors with three employees. They now have twenty-five. Taylor says Snowville Creamery is projected to earn $3 million in gross milk sales this year.

“All of our orders are placed through the Internet,” said Taylor. “We’re now even marketing online.”

Snowville Creamery supplies the cream for Columbus-based Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams. They sell the most milk for Whole Foods stores located in Ohio. Snowville Creamery milk is also distributed through Cleveland-based Heinen stores, as well as used in various restaurants and coffee shops throughout the state.

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